Newsletter – February 2024

Hello SCRA Members! 

We are pleased to update our members on activities happening within the SCRA with this monthly newsletter. We continue to grow our membership and chapters and take feedback from chapter officers and active members to continue improving our organization.

Please tell us if you have feedback or other information you want on the site or that you would like to receive updates on.

Chapter Annual Reports  

We have not received reports from the chapters listed below and these are now considered INACTIVE, and new members will not be able to affiliate.   

28th Signal Society 

Adolphus Greely 

Casteau Semaphore 

Charles E. Kilbourne 

Denali Chapter (aka Northern Lights) 

Eagle’s Voice 

Fort Hood 

Fort Knox 


Heart of Dixie 


Lifeline Chapter – Northern VA 

Lightning Warrior  

Northern California 

Pikes Peak 

PVT Morgan D. Lane 


Show Me Signal  

South of the Alps 

Tactical Communicators of Maryland 

Tigers of the Midwest 

Utah Chapter of the SCRA 

Voice of the Sands and “Stans” 

West Point 

Will Croft Barnes 

Mt. Vesuvius Chapter 

If your chapter is listed, and you feel this is in error, please contact your chapter leadership to submit this immediately.  Reach out to if you did not receive your link to submit. This annual requirement is necessary for chapters to remain active, as they cannot operate outside of the SCRA National umbrella.  


A note from Amy Tuschen our National Director  

Happy Presidents Day to you this month. Did you know that 9 states do not celebrate this as a holiday? Do you live in one of those?  


Upcoming Events/Chapter News: 

National Team – Augusta, GA 

Our team hosts in-person professional development events on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. These are open to any SCRA members who want to network or learn about the topics. These vary from the SCCC CPT panel for the SBOLC students; and other leadership panels, to learning about military service from numerous Signal retirees in the Augusta area, specific topics like networking, obtaining certifications, and financial readiness. We also have partnered with the Augusta AUSA (Association of the United States Army) and AFCEA chapters that provide professional development speakers every other month.  

If you want to be a presenter for a future session, reach out to us at If you want to see what events are upcoming, find us on Facebook at SCRASignalSchool and SCRA.National  


Ongoing & Upcoming Membership Drives 

Snake River Chapter – 03 Jan to 17 Feb 

Bluegrass Chapter – 20 Jan to 20 Feb 

Hawaii Chapter – 26 Feb to 10 April 

Chapters can provide short updates, either for this newsletter or for our social media sites, of interest to their chapter and other members. Have any upcoming events or news for your chapter? Please contact and we can share your information in the next newsletter!  



COL Dean Smith has graciously offered to be a Chapter Mentor. As the Recent Mount Ranier Chapter (at JBLM, Washington) President and with his service to the National Board, COL Smith has a unique experience with various levels supporting the SCRA and is willing to share this with others. If you are a new chapter, want to reenergize your membership, or have a curious question you need help with, contact Dean at  

Along with the annual chapter reporting, the plan is to initiate changes to create consistency across all chapters and provide financial support through a rebate program for chapters as we have done in the past. Be sure to update your chapter affiliation to help your chapter with their reporting!  

We are starting an incentive for any chapter that encourages a corporate partner to sign up, that chapter will receive a finder’s fee for their role in getting them to sign up. For more information, see the section below on Corporate Partnerships.  


Corporate Partnerships/Career Center: 

The SCRA has a Career center on our website available for members and their family members seeking employment. You must log in to the site to get access. Check it out here 

If your organization is interested in partnering with the SCRA, we have a Corporate Partnership program in place that allows them to get recognition and includes some job postings in the SCRA Careers Center.  

Depending on the level, Gold, Silver, or Bronze, they also receive some individual memberships and recognition at National and Chapter events. For more info see the Corporate Partnerships Webpage 



Learn about all the SCRA awards here: SCRA Awards 

If you have an upcoming Signal Ball or other unit event that you would like to present multiple awards, please remember to allow plenty of time for approval, payment, processing, and mailing. Also, we strongly encourage a single POC for these so we can get them all together and mail them together. Please enter the chapter awards POC in the award application regardless of who fills out the form. 

So far this year, we have presented the following awards to SCRA and Signal Corps Regiment contributors. We hope to continue seeing and awarding deserving members and volunteers in 2024!  

9 Bronze Order of Mercury Awardees 

1 Silver Order of Mercury 

3 Bronze Wahatchee Awardees  


FAQs & Articles: 

We have created and will continue adding to our FAQs page which can be found on our site homepage!  

This Month’s FAQ: How do I submit an award nomination? Check out the FAQ Page for our response.  

Articles that members can find useful from the past, as well as posts shared on our social media, can now be published on our website!  

Additionally, these newsletters will be shared on the website! Are you still reading this newsletter via email? Find this on the site and leave a comment with the name of the chapter nearest you for a chance at $10 off in our store! While you are at it, assign yourself to that chapter in your profile!  



So far this year we have had 90 new members join the Association! Our current membership total is 6259 active members. 

Please mention these newsletters to anyone who is a member that may not have checked in recently! They may not receive our emails and need to update their contact info. Keep in mind that .mil email addresses do not receive notifications from the site (including this newsletter!). Members should use a personal/commercial email address. 

Are you aware that one of your membership incentives is also being a member of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA)? We provide membership information to the AUSA monthly, so if you hear from them about free membership, this is a legitimate incentive.  


Museum Updates: 

As a reminder our 501(c)3 partner, the Signal and Cyber Museum Society (SCMS), is our designated donor for contributions submitted to the SCRA. These can be direct support at events, opting to donate versus receiving membership incentives, or you can directly support at If you are interested in volunteering with the SCMS to help bring back the Signal Corps Museum to the Augusta area, which permanently closed in February 2021, or to contribute to the virtual museum, reach out to  

The following questions were asked on our website regarding the museum, so here are the answers: Could we get an update on the museum?  The Signal and Cyber Museum Society is working with the leadership at Fort Eisenhower, GA, and the Center for Military History to properly secure an Army-approved location.  Once we purchase a building, the SCMS will proffer it to the Army and the Garisson at Fort Eisenhower will take ownership of it; the exhibits will be rebuilt and established.   

Where will it be, is there a projected opening date, is there a monetary goal for donations and how close are we to that goal? We are hoping to raise funds to purchase the former National Science Foundation building adjacent to gate 1 on Gordon Highway. This will cost approximately $4 million, and we have so far raised approximately 10% of that in contributions and pledges. There is no projected opening date as it is all contingent on fundraising and the building is still available to purchase from the current owner. 

Is there an info brief on what it’s projected to look like both physically and virtually? To see the artist renderings and the location of our future virtual museum, go to  


Need info regarding chapters, our store, careers, or other SCRA topics? Visit our Contact Us page and send us an email! 

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