Bronze Order of Mercury

The Bronze Order of Mercury (BOM) recognizes those people who have demonstrated the highest standards of integrity, moral character, professional competence and selflessness, and who have contributed significantly to the promotion of the Signal Corps AND the Signal Corps Regimental Association.
This award is to be given to members of the Association who have served the Regiment well and have made a significant contribution to the Association’s activities in the pursuit of its goals. A nominee’s grade and length of service must be considered as to degree of contribution to our Regiment, length of Association membership, and participation in our Association. Special consideration must be given to our functional area officers who have their first opportunity to become both members of the Regiment and Association only when they become Career Field Designated as a major so may first only learn of our Association at that time.
Things to consider before applying:
- You MUST BE logged into the website with an active membership in order to submit a nomination for any Award. If you enter the application without being logged in, you will be prompted to “Register”. This will NOT activate your membership, the ONLY WAY to create a membership is via the “Membership Application” . If you believe you have an active membership, but cannot login, please email Mrs. Morgan Wieckowski at
- You will be able to upload a file of your written nomination and justification letter in the application form.
- SAMPLE MEMO: BOM Sample Nomination (COL Approved)
- SCRA membership with a minimum of 6 months of active participation is required prior to receiving the BOM award.
- Please verify membership number prior to submitting the application.
- While an active membership is required, the 6 month membership requirement for a BOM can be from a prior membership term providing there was not more than a 12-month lapse in membership time.
- Gift memberships are available for purchase.
- In the write up, include a detailed description of the awardee’s significant contributions to both the Signal Corps Regiment and the SCRA.
- Examples of SCRA contributions (including but NOT limited to): serving as a chapter officer, hosting a membership drive, presenting at a professional development event, participating in chapter events, hosting/attending Orange Calls, etc.
- Two or more of the above examples or other contributions are expected of a BOM awardee.
- The BOM can be approved by a Signal Corps Colonel or a General Officer who is a current SCRA member.
- A Colonel of the Regiment is defined as any Signal Corps Colonel or a Colonel in functional area 26 (formerly functional areas 24 or 53) who is officially affiliated with the Regiment.
- After a pre-approved is received, we will send an email to the approving authority for verification.
- SCRA National has authority to review ALL submitted applications prior to processing ANY award, regardless of prior approval.
- If a Colonel of the Regiment is not available, SCRA will send the nomination to the COL Awards Board for approval on the nominator’s behalf.
- Application must be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to desired presentation date to allow for processing. Please allow more time if ordering a framed award. Payment is not required upon submitting the application.
- You will receive an email once your application has been viewed and approved regarding payment and award status.
- If payment is not made promptly, you will be charged a $25 express fee at time of payment, if presentation is within 30 days.
- After approval, awards process continues once paid in full.
- Please keep in mind, if the award is going to an APO address, shipping will take longer than 5 days.
We are no longer accepting award submissions via email. The application below is the ONLY method to nominate someone for this award.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact:
Mrs. Morgan Wieckowski