Chapters 2024-05-17T15:36:34-04:00

Signal Corps Regimental Association Chapters

The Signal Corps Regimental Association is Headquartered at Fort Eisenhower, Georgia.

The association maintains over 50 auxiliaries around the world. Each chapter is its own legal entity and a legal auxiliary of the National SCRA, a 501(c)(19) veterans’ support, nonprofit, association.  

Chapter Presidents are charged with maintaining their chapters in working order.  We understand the challenges of an all-volunteer organization and the amount of turbulence in chapter officers and membership each year as we PCS.  It’s imperative that chapters maintain their membership, legal, and financial paperwork.  A good document repository and a transition plan are very helpful.  Online file repositories such as Google, Microsoft, and others are used by many chapters for continuity files. The Headquarters does not have a file repository of any chapter information.  The Headquarters can provide membership rosters of what is in the membership database.  We ask Chapters to maintain their own membership rosters as well and to connect with your members often, encourage them to join their local chapter, and to keep their member profile information current.

Listed on this page are all of the Chapter Pages with a minimum of Chapter POC information.  Please take a look at the chapter pages link or via the Chapters Map to ensure your information is current.  If you have information to update the site (updated contacts, inactive chapter, website/Facebook links), please fill out the Chapters Information form to the right.

If you would like to reinstate a chapter in your area or activate a new chapter, please visit the Reinstate/Activate Chapter page link on the right.

COL Dean Smith has volunteered as the National SCRA Chapter Mentor to help Chapter Presidents and other members maintain their Chapter information.  You can contact him at with any questions.

Chapters Map
Reinstate/Activate Chapter
Host a Membership Drive