A note from our National Director, Amy Tuschen:
As we just celebrated Women’s History Month, I thought I would share a bit of women in history and their support of the Signal Corps. In 1917 when the U.S. entered WWI, General Pershing issued an appeal to recruit 150 women telephone operating experience, fluent in English and French to join the U.S. Army Signal Corps Female Telephone Operators, AKA “Hello Girls”. These ladies served from 1918 – 1919 in parts of Europe; it took almost 60 years for them to be recognized, receive benefits, and be designated as the first female veterans of the U.S. Army. Learn about this and other Signal Corps history by subscribing and following the Fort Gordon Historical Museum Society (FGHMS) on YouTube @fortgordonhistoricalmuseum2219
It is our pleasure to update our members on activities happening within the SCRA. We will routinely send out these newsletters to keep you informed. Please tell us if you have feedback or other information you want on the site or receive updates about. Chapters can provide short updates that would be of interest to their chapter and other members.
The SCRA Website: signalcorps.org
Upcoming Events/Chapter News:
National Team – Augusta, GA
Thank you to those who have donated to support our 501c3, sister organization the FGHMS. The Casino Night Fundraiser for The Fort Gordon Historical Museum Society on 17 March 2023 raised over $8,000. You can still donate to help bring the Signal Corps Museum back to Fort Gordon.
Donations can be made to the future museum at https://signalcorps.org/donations/
Hawaii Chapter – Ft. Shafter, HI
Membership Drive – 01 March through 15 April 2023. Sign up or Renew from your local chapter page to receive a special rate. https://signalcorps.org/scra-chapters/hawaii-chapter/
Flint Hills Chapter – Fort Riley, KS
Membership Drive – 15 March through 29 April 2023. Sign up or Renew from your local chapter page to receive a special rate. https://signalcorps.org/scra-chapters/flint-hills-chapter/
Denali Chapter – JBER Anchorage, AK
Membership Drive – 01 April through 16 May 2023. Sign up or Renew from your local chapter page to receive a special rate. https://signalcorps.org/scra-chapters/denali-chapter/
Fort Hood Chapter – Kileen, TX
Membership Drive – 10 March – 28 April 2023. Sign up or Renew from your local chapter page to receive a special rate. https://signalcorps.org/scra-chapters/fort-hood-chapter/
Voice of the ROK Chapter – Camp Humphreys, Korea
Signal Ball – 21 April. For more information, reach out to your chapter POCs.
Have any upcoming events or news for your chapter? Please contact chapters@signalcorps.org and we can share your information in the next newsletter!
Member Directory:
Need to find a member number? Search for other members in your chapter? Verify if someone is a current member? Utilize our Member Directory!
You must be logged in to access the directory. Please follow the instructions as the site search bar does NOT work within the member list.
We are celebrating all things Masters in Augusta! For April, our magnetic golf ball marker/hat clip combo will be on sale. Get yours today! SCRA Store
Later this month! Our latest item: Signal Towers Coasters.
If you have an item you want in the store, please email us. store@signalcorps.org
FAQs & Articles:
We have created and will continue adding to our FAQs page which can be found on our site homepage!
Articles that members can find useful from the past, as well as posts shared on our social media can now be published on our website!
Additionally, these newsletters will be shared on the website! Are you still reading this newsletter via email? Find this on the site and leave a comment with the name of the chapter nearest you (“National Chapter” does not count) for a chance at $10 off in our store! While you are at it, assign yourself to that chapter in your profile!
153 New Members and 83 Renewals to the SCRA so far in 2023! Our current member total is 6081.
Please mention these newsletters to anyone who is a member that may not have checked in recently! They may not receive our emails and need to update their contact info. Keep in mind that .mil email addresses do not receive notifications from the site. Members should use a personal/commercial email address.
So far this year, we have recognized individuals for supporting the Association and the Regiment!
42 Bronze Order of Mercury Awardees
6 Bronze Wahatchee Awardees
1 Silver Wahatchee Awardee
3 Brevet Colonel Awardees
Need info regarding chapters, our store, careers, or other SCRA topics? Visit our Contact Us page and send us an email!
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